Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today's lecture and tutorial

Today's lecture focused on Task 1.  Jenni demonstrated how easy it is to create a website. After the demonstration, (and from viewing the you tube clip mentioned in the last blog), I am starting to feel more comfortable creating a website. Like Jenni, the you tube clip went through a step by step guide starting from choosing a template to creating hyperlinks and much more. I feel that the you tube clip will be a good resource to refer back on when working on various aspects of my web page. During the lecture Jenni also broke down Task 1 which I found helpful especially as I was not entirely clear what to include in the social learner page.

During tutorial all students had access to google docs which is a social networking site where you are able to create and share online documents. Jenni had put a Q & As document up which was a great way of finding answers to problems as well as helping others by answering their questions. I thought this was a terrific tool for collaborative learning which I was able to identify with from reading the section on Collaborative Writing Using Document Sharing Tools in our text book "Meaningful Learning with Technology". From reading this section I now understand how tools such as google docs can occur in synchronous or asynchronous settings and "make nationwide and even global collaborative writing feasible" (Howland, Jonassen and Marra 2012, 181).

Reference: Howland, Jane L, David Jonassen, and Rose M. Marra. 2012. Meaningful Learning with Technology. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Creating a website...

How frustrating....after watching a you tube clip on how to create your own website using Yola! It seemed so straight forward until I logged in and started to create. To me the site was not user friendly and I was constantly struggling trying to up load pictures and edit pages. I usually don't like to give up but on this occasion I am going to take a look at How to Build A Website Using Google Sites which is a you tube clip that explains how to set up a google web page...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Creating a blog

Today in our lecture and tutorial we focused on how we are going to learn to use technology as an educational tool. As future teachers we need to be comfortable and confident using technology so that we can encourage and assist our students learning.

We also discussed Task 1 which involves creating a Blog, Website and online social space with a PDF attachment. To tell you the truth I started to feel completely out of my depth due to the fact that my IT skills are not the best.

After taking some time out I logged onto LMS and clicked on the Technology Toolbox for Educators wiki

The links on LMS are great resources and thankfully my confidence has started to grow. I am going to try to create a blog page...