Saturday, March 30, 2013


After referring back to the EDN113 Living and learning with technology Unit Information and learning Guide, I have decided to research Zotero and use it as my referencing tool.

Zotero is a powerful and free research tool, (that can be used offline), designed to store, manage and cite bibliographic references such as books and articles. In Zotero's Library one is able to create new collections where items relating to specific topics can placed. Collections are also able to contain sub-collections enabling complete organisation of ones sources. Items that are stored in Zotero can also have files, notes and links attached to them. Zotero also has the ability to insert citations directly into a Word document using a variety of referencing styles, and this Zotero Word Screencast demonstrates this feature clearly.


After a couple of easy steps I have downloaded Zotero onto my Mac.

The Zotero website has a fantastic quick start guide which contains a list of basic features as well as an informative video tour.  

I feel like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders now that I have a referencing tool to work with. I must admit I was getting rather stressed when I was unable to access EndNote, especially after all the research I had undertaken in order to be able to use EndNote.

Friday, March 29, 2013


I have started to explore EndNote so that I am able to insert my EndNote references, that I create, into my Word doc in order to successfully complete Task 2. I also want to learn how to use this referencing tool in order to save me time and anxiety when completing future university assignments.

I searched google and located a YouTube clip which demonstrates how to use EndNote in seven minutes. I found this tutorial useful because it explained how to:

  • Import a reference from an online database.
  • Use Find Full Text to download a PDF.
  • Insert a reference in a Word document.
  • Format a bibliography using the APA style as an example.
  • Add page numbers to a citation.
A negative point about the tutorial is that it does not explain how to manually add reference details into EndNote, however, I searched google again and found this PDF that does. I have found this resource really helpful because it also explains how to create a custom group, link files and import reference details.


After numerous unsuccessful attempts to download EndNote onto my Mac, and following the Murdoch Library instructions and Jenni's screencast recording, (which I located after viewing the LMS discussion forum for Task 2),  I have decided to research an alternative referencing tool in order to keep my sanity.

Word doc...

I felt absolutely confident at completing this part of Task 2 - Create a brief report using either Word or Pages to describe the resource that I have found. The purpose of the Word doc is so that I have a document to insert my EndNote references into when I record my screencast.

I enjoyed skim reading over my resource because I gained a better understanding of how the simplest technology resources can enhance a Science lesson for both the teacher and student. A good example of this is the use of concept cartoons which can be created by using a Word document and inserting images, speech captions and text, (Comic Life is a fantastic technology resource that can also be used to create concept cartoons). By applying a scientific concept to an everyday situation concept cartoons challenge ideas and promote scientific discussions.

This is my Word doc...

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Creating new web page for Task 2...

My experience of creating this web page, (for Task 2), has been considerably less stressful and time consuming than when I first started creating web pages in Task 1. I was able to add text, hyperlinks and images as though it was second nature...this demonstrates how much I have learned in the past six weeks, I am amazed!

I called this web page Task 2: Researcher. The web page includes a brief summary of Task 2, group information and my selected resource including a reference for the resource, (book reference), and a link to the research repository that I used, (Murdoch Library Website). Later I will add a hyperlink or embed a copy of my online screencast so that the members of my group can perform a peer review.

I have followed the EDN113 Living and learning with technology Unit Information and Learning Guide to check that I have included all of the elements required on this web page.

Research repository...

After Tutorial 6 I headed of to Murdoch Library and searched on the Library Website using Findit. Findit is a fast search that searches all related items in the Library Catalogue, online journal articles and newspapers. You are able to search by title, author, subject or call number and can refine your search by altering certain criteria, e.g., only search Rockingham Library.

I typed in, "How science teachers are using technology in the classroom," and refined my search to Rockingham Library.

From this search I obtained a list of suggestions and chose the book below because by reading the summary it sounded like it was what I was searching for.

I located the book easily by matching up the first set of digits of the call Call Number with the relevant shelf, then checking the following three letters, (which relate to the author's name), and lastly the year of publication, which is at the end of the call number. Unfortunately the book was not appropriate because it focused only on a general use of technology with no specific examples, however, I had been directed to the appropriate section of the library, (through Findit), and after a few minutes of browsing the shelf I located an alternative book that was more suitable.

 Hamil, A. (2006). Learning ICT with science. London, England: David Fulton Publishers.

This book is a great resource because it contains various science projects that incorporate the use of various technologies. The projects contain detailed descriptions on what age they are for, what the children will do and what they should already know, what the children will learn, what the teacher needs to know, what resources are needed, how to challenge the more able and support the less able and the purpose of teaching the project. I like the idea that this book demonstrates how activities work in "real" classrooms and it also highlights the fact that technologies that one incorporates into the learning environment do not have to be complicated and hard to use. This is demonstrated when Hamil refers to the use of Concept Cartoons, (which are used to apply a scientific concept to an everyday situation), to challenge ideas and promote scientific discussions in order to gain a better understanding. Concept cartoons can be created by using a Word document and inserting images and speech captions or by using a more sophisticated application such as Comic Life.

As a future teacher I would have this resource in my classroom to refer to because the projects suggested are great ways of starting to incorporate technology into the classroom. Once the teacher becomes familiar with the technology they can then design their own projects using the same concepts.

An example of a Concept Cartoon.

Click on the image to go to the Website that the image was taken from.

Findit is a fantastic research repository because it is easy to use, fast and effective.

Now that I have located my resource I am going to focus on creating another page for Task 2 to add to my existing website.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lecture and Tutorial 6...

Today's lecture focused on Authentic Learning - putting technology into the hands of the students.

It was explained that without the appropriate teaching pedagogy students will not use technology to its full potential. This relates to this unit because by developing an understanding of technology resources and their potential uses within a learning environment we, (as future teachers), will be able to demonstrate how technology can be used to cover the nine elements of authentic learning:

  • Authentic Context
  • Authentic Activity
  • Expert Performance
  • Multiple perspectives
  • Collaboration
  • Reflection
  • Articulation
  • Coaching
  • Authentic Assessment
All of these nine elements involve using technology as a cognitive tool.
To further demonstrate the meaning of Authentic Learning a YouTube clip of, "School of Rock", was played. This clip confirmed how a teacher can use the nine elements listed above to create an authentic learning environment which is engaging and productive.

When Jenni discussed each of the elements it was interesting to see how many different technology tools can be used within each area as well as together. For example, in the Expert Performance element Skype could be used to bring professionals from a specific area into the classroom to be interviewed by the students. Skype can also be used to allow children to talk to other year groups, within the same or different schools, about their thoughts on the interview. To record their findings students can then create a Blog page or a Podcast.

During tutorial we worked in groups on a Google Docs document. We wrote down questions that we wanted to ask about Task 2 and responded to other groups questions, (if we knew the answers). Jenni went through the questions and answers at the end of the exercise and I gained a clearer picture in my mind of what was expected in Assignment 2. I believe that this form of collaborating ideas is an effective way of finding solutions to problems. It is a useful tool to implement within a classroom environment because it is non judgmental and students can participate at their own pace without feeling pressured to give a correct response.

In the next part of the tutorial Jenni explained what a screencast is and showed us an example of a screencast that she had created. Jenni's screencast demonstrated how to add book reference details into Endnote and then add a full book reference and an in text citation into a word document. Jenni's screencast was informative, clear and easy to follow and it gave me a better understanding of how to complete this section of Task 2. I also realized how effective screencasting would be in the classroom for recording procedures or instructions in various contexts, e.g., for a science experiment.

During tutorial we also formed groups of four and discussed what topic area we were going to base our research on and what resource type we were each going to use. My group chose science as our topic area because we are aware, (from completing a science unit last semester), that science involves many abstract ideas that would benefit from technology tools that provide a way of visualizing these concepts. The resource type that I will be using to research information relating to science teachers using technology in the classroom is a book.

Tutorial 6 also gave me and my group members the opportunity to discuss various screencasts, and I decided to download Screencast-O-Matic after hearing from a peer how easy it was to use. I was impressed with the simplicity of using Screencast-O-Matic. I thought QuickTime Player was easy to use but Screencast-O-Matic has better features that include a screen sizing caption, that appears on the screen as soon as you open the program, and a count down timer before the screencast starts to record. The menu bar is also clearer to read and use.

I am looking forward to working on Task 2 because my knowledge and confidence with technology has grown significantly. I also feel at ease knowing that my team members, class peers and tutor are always there to give advice and support.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Assignment Task 2: Researcher

I am feeling more confident at starting Task 2 than I was when I started Task 1, however, when I read through the details for Task 2 I initially felt over whelmed and confused. The thought of creating a screencast video on how to use Endnote sounded very technical. Endnote was mentioned in a previous unit that I was enrolled in last semester, "Introduction to University Learning," but the software sounded complicated and so I did not research or use this referencing tool, (I wish I had).

I re-read the task details numerous times to gain a better understanding of what is expected and then explored LMS to find some learning tools to help me better understand how to research effectively, find out what a screencast actually is, (and how to create one), and to also get a better understanding of Endnote.

LMS was a great help in highlighting the fact that effective research not only saves you time but also  allows you to find the most relevant information relating to the key words that you input into the search engine. I looked at a useful tutorial demonstrating why word order matters when retrieving information using a search engine. I also watched a YouTube clip that demonstrated how to create a screencast using Quicktime on Mac and also how to import it to i Movie if you want to add graphic effects or titles.  I found this tutorial easy to follow and understand because there were clear step by step visual instruction.

Thomas, W. (Speaker). (2013). How to make a screencast/video tutorial on a Mac using Quicktime. Retrieved from

There is also a link to the Murdoch Library where a link is available to download Endnote for free. I have downloaded Endnote and found a fantastic YouTube clip that demonstrates how to use Endnote to add citations to a Pages document on Mac.

I am attending Lecture and Tutorial 6 today which will hopefully clarify my understanding of Task 2 and also discuss screencasts and Endnote in more detail.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Peer review...

I reviewed my website, blog page and social space first and found that it was a useful activity because I noticed some spelling mistakes that I had missed when I proof read my blog page. I also thought that I needed to add some more pictures on my contact page and social page.

I had two reviews to read for my website, blog page and social space. Both reviews varied considerably on their marking and comments so I tried to focus on a common area that could do with improving. Both reviews suggested adding more pictures and one of the reviews thought that I should add hyperlinks to the three social websites that I investigated. I will definitely take their feedback on board to try to improve my website.

I am feeling relieved at almost finishing Task 1 and pleased with my achievement considering I did not know where to start when I first read the assignment criteria. When I looked at the units that I was to enroll in this semester I was seriously worried about the, "Living and Learning with Technology," unit, however, I am thoroughly enjoying it. The challenges and feelings of despair were certainly worth the sense of achievement that I am feeling now.

Through all the research I have done to meet the criteria for Task 1 I now understand the importance of exploring technology. As a future teacher I will definitely be reflecting back on the, "Meaningful Learning with Technology," text book and create class web sites, blogs, social spaces and using other technology tools such as i movie and podcasts to develop independent, collaborative and meaningful learning in the class room.

Technology tools help students inquire, communicate with others, experiment, design, visualize, write and engage in deeper levels of thinking and reasoning. "Technologies are lousy teachers, but they can be powerful tools to think with," (Howland et al., 2012, p.17).


Howland, J. L., Jonassen, D., & Marra, R. M. (2012). Meaningful Learning with Technology. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Other realated university units...

I am also currently enrolled in a Mathematics for Teaching unit this semester and assignment one focuses on learning objectives that involves; understanding how you learn mathematics and use this understanding to learn independently as well as being able to access and use appropriate technology tools to support your students learning as well as your own.

The Living and learning with technology unit has helped me realize how many technology tools are available that can facilitate collaborative and meaningful learning in a variety of curriculum areas including mathematics.

Technology tools such as Geogebra, Tinkerplots and Surveymonkey are all fantastic learning tools because they are engaging for the student and they also allow the student to visualize abstract concepts and manipulate formulas and equations and observe the effects of the manipulations.

Click on the Geogebra link to explore this mathematical technology tool.

As a future teacher I will definitely us technology tools because they promote creativity and innovation, communication and collaboration, research and information fluency, critical thinking, problem solving and decision making, digital citizenship and technology operations and concepts (Howland et al., 2012, pp.9-10).


Howland, J. L., Jonassen, D., & Marra, R. M. (2012). Meaningful Learning with Technology. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Peer Review Explanation...

Lecture four focused on how to complete the peer review element of Task 1 via LMS. It was recommended that you review your own web site, blog and social networking site to practice reviewing and also to confirm that you yourself have met all the required criteria.

This step by step guide on completing the peer review was informative and made me feel less apprehensive about reviewing another persons work. I also recognised the importance of giving appropriate comments that can be used for positive feedback. As a future teacher it is important that constructive feedback is given to the student because this is a crucial aspect of learning.

In this weeks tutorial Jenni emphasised the importance of constructive feedback and suggested that we start with the positives and then provide information and examples of how we feel that an aspect could be improved. Jenni also made it clear that the comments one makes reflects back on yourself so it is necessary to always be polite and remember that everyone has their own opinion.

During tutorial we discussed in groups how to give constructive feedback by analysing sample web sites. The task was much harder than I imagined it would be but by communicating with the different groups and listening to others suggested comments and approaches I began to feel more confident and understand that you can suggest areas that need improvement but you need to give evidence to support your opinion.

I am now excited about the prospect of getting feedback on my website, blog page and social networking space because I feel that I have hit a brick wall now and I need someone else to give their opinion in order to make improvements.

Creating my Social Learner Page...

After reading the required criteria for the social learner page, in the Living and learning with technology unit guide as well as the Marking Rubric, I began to create my page. First I explained the purpose of the social learner page and then I discussed the social situation I was going to base my social page around. I continued by mentioning the three social networking sites that I had investigated, (Skype, facebook and LinkedIn), and listed the key features of the social networking site that I thought was the most appropriate to support my social event.

When I set up a hyperlink from my social learner page to LinkedIn I realised how much I had learned in just a few weeks. At the start of this unit making a hyperlink was alien to me but now it has become second nature setting them up on my blog page and web pages.

The next component of the social learner page was the creation of a PDF file that had written instructions to explain to a peer how to sign up to LinkedIn, access LinkedIn and advise them what to contribute to my LinkedIn social group. The PDF also had to include screen captures and annotations. At this point I started to feel concerned because I did not know how to do a screen shot or create and add a PDF file.

I thought back to how I overcome the hyperlink problem and decided the best solution was to consult a good friend, "google". Google gave me instructions on how to create a screen shot and a PDF file. Once I read through the information on screen shots and adding PDF files I practiced taking some screen shots and then began working on a word document. The most time consuming part was flicking back and forth from the LinkedIn site to my word document in order to add the screen captures that I had taken. Looking back it would have been easier to take all the screen shots first and then have them all at hand on the desktop to place into the word document.

When I added the PDF and clicked on the PDF link on the social learner page the actual PDF document was very blurred. I read the instructions that I located on google on how to add a PDF again and realized that I had not saved the word document as a PDF document so I started over and SUCCESS...

At this stage I am feeling really positive about investigating technology and being able to use it in an educational environment to enhance and engage students learning.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Creating my social space...

The thought of creating a social networking space was a daunting task for me considering I do not have a facebook account or any other social networking space, however, I can honestly say I was surprised at how simple the process was.

I registered with LinkedIn and within minutes I had created a user profile. The process was straight forward because of the clear and easy to follow instructions.

Creating my Migrant Social Riding group on the LinkedIn social networking site was again aided by a step by step guide and the process did not take long at all.

I am impressed with the simplicity of creating a social space in LinkedIn as well as the user friendly navigation system that allows group and non group members to locate groups of interest either by the group name or the name of the group creator.

The reason I have not been involved with social networking sites prior to creating this social space was because I always thought that they were hard to set up and manage, however, the experience has been positive and I plan to use social networking in the future.

Social networking sites can become powerful technology tools when used in an educational environment because they are simple to create, (as demonstrated above), and have the ability to allow collaborative and meaningful learning across the curriculum. As a future teacher I would definitely incorporate social networking sites into the classroom to develop critical and creative thinking skills and also to bring an understanding of world view to students by accessing views of other cultures around the world.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Researching social networking sites...

I have decided to create a social space to inform a Jet skiing group when and where the next social Jet Ski ride will take place. Apart from finding out this information the group can also reply back to confirm whether they are going to attend the ride, give feedback on previous rides and also make suggestions for future rides. The social space can also be used to attract people from outside the group who are also interested in participating in Jet Ski social riding.

When I first began to research social networking sites that would be appropriate for my social space I soon became very confused because there are so many sites to choose from and I was taking so much time assessing them. My task became easier when I came across this website that listed the top fifteen social networking sites.

From this group os social networking sites I decided to investigate Skype, facebook and LinkedIn.

Skype is a communication service that allows people to connect with each other by voice using a microphone, video by using a webcam (laptops/desktops now have built in cameras), and also via instant messaging over the internet. To become a user of Skype you need to register and create a profile in order to add a group of contacts. Skype to Skype calls are free of charge. Skype was launched in 2003 and has over 600 million users.

Facebook is also a social networking site where users must register before using to create a personal profile and add other users as friends. Once an account has been created the user is able to exchange messages with friends and share photos etc... Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites and had over one billion active users as of September 2012.

LinkedIn also requires one to register and create a profile before they can become a user of the site. LinkedIn is similar to facebook, however, the purpose of this social networking site is to connect a particular group of people who share a particular interest (either socially or professionally). People who are not interested in the group that you have made created would not contact you for other reasons. LinkedIn was launched in 2003 and had 200 million acquired users in January 2013.

After comparing the three social networking sites I decided to use LinkedIn to create my social space because:

  • People can access the social space at a time that suits them without interrupting others.
  • The site is easy to navigate around.
  • The site has a search by group or name tool that enables people who are not group members to find a group of interest and request to join.
  • This particular site is more relevant for promoting one particular group with the same interest which makes it easier for people to read and add comments as they do not have to scroll through lots of posts that are not related.
  • LinkedIn is also available on an iPad App - to find out more click on this iPad App link.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week 3 Tutorial

During tutorial we had group discussions to find out what social event or activity we were going to base our social space on and we also talked about the numerous social networking sites that are available. Communicating with others was really helpful because by sharing our thoughts and ideas I found out about social networking sites that I never knew existed. By working together as a group we also helped one student, (who was having trouble thinking of a social event), come up with the idea of creating a reading group.

Another helpful activity we completed during tutorial was practicing peer reviewing using dummy websites. This was so relevant because an element of Task 1 involves  accessing a fellow student's website to learn about their social space and to complete an online peer review form, (using a Marking Rubric), in order to provide that student feedback about their social learner resource. I was surprised how difficult and time consuming it is to follow the Marking Rubric and give the most appropriate grade. Each element of the marking criteria needs to be read carefully and comprehended to give the student the fairest outcome. I now appreciate how much time, patience, concentration and understanding a teacher requires to assess the numerous assignments of their students. Looking at the Marking Rubric in close detail has also made be analyze my website, blog and social learner page to make sure I am meeting the required criteria.

Reflecting back on both Lecture 3 and Tutorial 3 I recognise how the social space I am going to create can easily be used in our everyday lives which relates back to the purpose of this unit; to understand how technology can be used in a variety of contexts e.g. social, learning, teaching and researching.

I am feeling confident and eager to learn about and explore some social networking sites that will support my social situation...

Friday, March 8, 2013

Lecture 3

Lecture 3 focused on the way technology has evolved and the way that teachers in the 21st Century need to be prepared and know about the technologies available in order to assist students in their learning. Teachers need to change their teaching pedagogy and centre the learning around the students.

The text book we are using for this unit, "Meaningful Learning with Technology", also suggests that teachers need to centre the learning around the student and focus on meaningful learning by using technologies. As explained in the text book "When teachers offer students opportunities for inquiry, they create the potential for rich, meaningful learning experiences. Technology can provide the means for active, authentic learning through investigation both in the classroom and in the field" (Howland et al. 2012, 21).

In the lecture Jenni also talked about social networking sites which related to Task 1 because an element of this task involves researching three social networking sites to find the most appropriate one to use to create a social space for a particular event or activity.

After the lecture I had a better understanding of how technology can be used in an educational setting to assist with meaningful learning by using technology tools such as Skype, Blog sites, Web sites, Google Docs and Podcasting.


Howland, J. L., Jonassen, D., & Marra, R. M . 2012. Meaningful Learning with Technology. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Web site created...

I have created a web site...

I found google sites user friendly because the site was easy to navigate around. Once a template is chosen you just have to click on edit page and then choose from the options available on a tool bar located at the top of the page. Text, images, charts, calendars and much more can be added or edited at the click of a button. I did have trouble creating a hyperlink but after chatting with Jenni I realized I was not selecting the web address tab to allow the hyperlink to link to an external page. I later searched google and found an easy to follow guide.

Interacting with fellow students has helped me considerably with both the creation of my blog page and web site. One student explained why my blog page was not showing all of my blogs and also suggested that I use a shorter web address for my web site so that it was easier to locate...

I can honestly say that I was not looking forward to this particular unit due to my limited IT skills, however, through independent learning, fantastic web sites and the interaction with fellow students I am feeling more at ease.

Now that I have a blog page and a web site I can visualise how both these technologies can have a positive impact on everyday life as well as becoming fantastic tools for teaching in classrooms. Personal/professional e-portfolios can be used to demonstrate and show case ones learning journey and skills to a perspective employer. Teachers can use blogs to outline tasks for students and students can respond to these blogs individually or collaboratively.