Thursday, May 9, 2013

My reflection of unit EDN113 "Living and Learning with Technology."

I remember enrolling in this unit and thinking to myself that I was going to find "Living and Learning with Technology" a huge challenge because my knowledge of technology was very limited. This thought became worse when I read each of the assigned tasks. I can recall thinking that I was going to be completely out of my depth because there was no way that I would be able to create a Web Site, Blog page, Screencast video or a Wiki, (and I wasn't even sure what they exactly were).

Task 1 was a struggle for me but with the fantastic learning resources that have been available to use, (lectures, tutorials, unit text book, "Meaningful Learning with Technology," online resources, LMS discussion forum and my peers), I managed to complete the task successfully and gain confidence in using technology. Task 2 became less stressful because I started to enjoy exploring new technologies and started to visualise how these technologies can be used within a learning environment. Task 3 was the task that I enjoyed the most because me and my group members all had different skills that we mixed together to produce a great teaching resource.

From this unit I have obtained many transferable skills that include:
  • Independent learning
  • Research skills
  • Knowledge of various technology tools
  • How to implement technology tools into a learning environment
  • How to create a collaborative learning environment
  • Ways to promote critical and creative thinking
  • Working as a team
  • How to give constructive feedback
  • Using technology as cognitive tools
  • Developing a 21st Century teaching pedagogy

This unit is so relevant to my future role as a teacher and this has been clarified on numerous occasions within my current position as an Education Assistant. Only a couple of days ago I was in a Year 7 English class listening to a teacher giving a presentation to her students on how to navigate around, reflect and post work on their Blogs. The teacher also talked about a digital magazine that has been created for the students where they can add their own articles on things of interest e.g. sporting activities, how to make the best muffins, book reviews etc.

I can honestly say that I have gained so much from this unit and when I look back at what I have managed to create, (in a short space of time), I feel extremely satisfied and proud. The thought of using technology no longer scares me, instead it fills me with excitement because technology can be so empowering when it is embraced.

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