After creating my referencing screencast I then had to add the video recording to my newly created Research page on my website. During the Live Lecture Recording I remembered Jenni briefly discussing Screencast-O-Matic and explaining that once the recording was finished it was easier to publish it to YouTube and then link the YouTube video to the relevant page on your website. As usual the things that sound easy prove to be rather challenging for me.
After clicking on the "Publish to YouTube" icon, (as displayed in the screen capture below), I was advised that I had to create a YouTube channel before I could publish my screencast.
Feeling totally confused I decided to use google and found a great YouTube clip that demonstrated what I needed to do to
create a YouTube channel.
By following the instructions on the above YouTube video I was then able to publish my referencing screencast to YouTube.
The next step was to add the screencast video to the Researcher page of my website and surprisingly this was very simple to do. All I had to do was go onto the Researcher page and click on the edit page icon, from here I clicked on the insert icon and video option and from the menu I selected YouTube, (as demonstrated below in the screen capture).
Before I started Task 2 I definitely felt over whelmed and apprehensive at having to use technology tools that I had not had any experience with before, however, I now believe that I will be using both Zotero and Screen-O-Matic at university and in my future career as a Primary Teacher. Researching different technologies has made me realise just how powerful they can be when used in the appropriate context and I am looking forward to discovering other technology tools that will also enhance both my learning and teaching skills.
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