For this part of the assignment I need to access the websites and screencasts, (of three group members), and follow their video instructions on how to input their resource data into the referencing tool of their choice and also add in-text and end-text references into a Word document. I will also need to complete an online peer review form, (for each of the three group members), to provide them with constructive feedback.
On the peer review day I went onto LMS and signed into the Task 1 peer review and results page and suddenly panicked because I could not see any of my group members on the peer review site. I quickly went onto the LMS discussion forum for Task 2 and found out that some of my peers were also experiencing the same problem. Fortunately there was a post that said the peer review system was not open until 9am so I decided to try again when I returned home from work.
Success, I went onto the LMS discussion forum for Task 2, (when I got home from work), and found out that to access the peer review page I had to go into Task 2. How great is the discussion forum!
I accessed each of my three group members site in turn and had a copy of the Task 2 Researcher Marking Rubric beside me so that I could identify each element that needed to be covered and at what level this element had been achieved.
I found this peer review task less daunting than the peer review for Task 1, probably because I was familiar with the Marking Rubric and I also felt more confident at giving constructive feedback. I think that the peer reviews are a necessary and meaningful component of each task because they are good practice for providing constructive feedback to our future students.
I enjoyed looking at the different websites and found that even though the same site may have been used each website looked original because of the way that they had been personalized. It was also great to visually see how far we have all progressed in this unit and how many new skills we have acquired in the short space of nine weeks.
I used Zotero as my referncing tool, so I found the screencast videos that showed how to use EndNote really interesting because they demonstrated how similar each referencing tool is, however EndNote does have an added bonus of automatically inserting an end-text reference once an in-text citation has been added to a Word document.
Another element of the peer review that I particularly enjoyed was looking at the various resources that my group members had found using different resource types. I particularly liked the 6 Essential Tech Tools for Science Classrooms website because it explained how relatively simple technology devices can make a huge impact on engaging students during a science class. I think a great device that was mentioned on the site is the Livescribe SmartPen that enables a student to write or draw something on special paper and record whatever audio its microphone hears. The teacher is then able to post and share the video replay of whatever the student wrote on the paper, including the recorded audio.
I have had a peer review completed on my website, researcher video resource and my blog. I have made some alterations as suggested below:
- Change the name of my website.
- Add a hyperlink for my screencast video.
- Add a separate blog link on the side menu bar of my website instead of having the blog link on the home page.
- Check for minor spelling mistakes on some hyperlinks in my blogs.
A screen capture taken from the peer review on my website.
When I looked back over my website I decided to change the colours so that they were not as vibrant because I think it makes the overall presentation look more professional.
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