Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lecture 9...

This lecture focused on Task 3...

In Task 3 we have to form groups of four people and create an authentic learning task that requires students to use some form of technology to complete a specific task e.g. a movie, digital story, website, photograph collection etc.

The key elements of Task 3 are:
  • Teacher Wiki resource.
  • 5 minute group Wiki presentation to be narrated and uploaded (linked to group Wiki).

Jenni advised us to focus on these main points: 


Target Audience: Other teachers.

Project Duration: Plan for a project that would extend over several lessons.

Authentic Task: Make sure the task is authentic - as would happen in the real world.

Computers and software, internet, applications, digital movies, iPods, electronic whiteboards.        

Technology Use: Students use the technologies to complete the task.

Resources: Provide links and resources on the web that will be useful for the teacher to run the lesson.

Finished Product: A website, a digital story, a collection of annotated photographs etc...

Teacher Advice: Advice on useful resources, background information that teachers might need, information on how to introduce the topic, extension activities, timing of activities etc...

During week 11 there is going to be an on line lecture focusing on Wikis. I am looking forward to this because I have a basic understanding of a Wiki but obviously I need to develop an in depth understanding in order to complete this task successfully. I will also be researching Wikis in my own time via google and the Technology Toolbox for Educators on LMS.

Jenni showed a variety of project ideas and explained that there are some examples of Wikis on LMS that were created last year by students enrolled in this unit. I will definitely be taking a look at these examples to get a better understanding of what is expected. Jenni also explained that we will be accessing Google Docs during tutorial and completing a brainstorming resource in our groups.

Jenni also talked about the importance of job allocation and communication and that as a group we should decide on the methods of communication that we are going to use e.g. Email, Facebook, Skype, a Google Docs document or face to face. Another good point that Jenni raised was that as a group we are probably going to disagree with each other at times so we need to establish at the start how we are going to deal with any disputes that may arise. I think that the best way to deal with disputes would be to have a group vote, and if that failed then perhaps some kind of compromise.

An important aspect that was covered in the lecture was the importance of looking at the Australian Curriculum Website because it gives a break down of the expected outcomes for each subject area according to the year group. Before starting our chosen project we are going to have to make sure that it is appropriate for the age group in which we are presenting it to.

Jenni also talked about Scootle and said that it is worth while signing up to it because it is a teaching resource that has numerous activities to look at in each learning area and year group. I have already signed up to Scootle in the "Mathematics for Teaching" unit that I am also currently enrolled in at university. I agree with Jenni, Scootle is a fabulous resource and by using various mathematical activities I have gained a better understanding of number, shape and geometry concepts.

After listening to today's lecture I think that I am going to enjoy Task 3 the most because it is going to be an opportunity to create a collaborative and meaningful activity for students using a variety of technologies that I have become familiar with. I keep thinking about the importance of making sure that the project, (that me and my group create), incorporates the 9 elements of authentic learning to make sure that the technologies we have chosen are used as cognitive tools.

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